In J.K. Rowling’s book series, Harry Potter, there was a big mystery created around the villain character who’s name, no-one would mention out loud for fear that he would somehow sense it and come after them. The hero, Harry, was encouraged by his wizardly mentor, Dumbledore, to overcome his fear of the evil wizard by actually using the name regularly and prove by doing so, that it isn’t such a big deal. So “he-who-must-not-be-named” went from an undefinable entity whose boundaries couldn’t even be seen, to become just “Voldemort,” the bad guy who could be disposed.
Undefinable entity= uncertainty, chaos, overwhelm…
Definable entity= knowledge, clarity, empowerment…
Definable entity= knowledge, clarity, empowerment…
Do you have an undefinable entity in your life called “projects-that-have-no-name?”
A “to do” list unwritten grows to disproportionate sizes inside the mind causing feelings of overwhelm just from lack of visual definition just like our evil wizard in the movie. Avoid overwhelm by writing down your goals and turn on that mental light. Seeing the boundaries of what’s actually there will help you against the evils of uncertainty, chaos and overwhelm and arm you with the magic of knowledge, clarity and empowerment.
A “to do” list unwritten grows to disproportionate sizes inside the mind causing feelings of overwhelm just from lack of visual definition just like our evil wizard in the movie. Avoid overwhelm by writing down your goals and turn on that mental light. Seeing the boundaries of what’s actually there will help you against the evils of uncertainty, chaos and overwhelm and arm you with the magic of knowledge, clarity and empowerment.
So if you haven’t written your goals down lately and are feeling a bit overwhelmed, now is a good time to start again.
You’ll thank you.
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